
BlackBerry to be reborn?

We've got a new toddler in town. Get ready to show him full respect or he might just feel hopeless and cry. No, no folks, it isn't quiet as dramatic (or painful) as that. I'm talking BlackBerry.

As you may or may not have heard BlackBerry is strongly focusing on BlackBerry 10, its next mobile operating system which will incorporate tablet & smartphone devices. This is a very critical and a quiet frankly responsible update since it will most likely either rise RIM's BlackBerry influence & sales and the otherwise "hanging by a thread" sort of scenario the company is facing, or it will be the end of BlackBerry as we know it. Yes, it is that serious. While the new Research In Motion (RIM) CEO Thorsten Heins did some significant cleaning up (many high-ranked, important individuals were fired) most people feel that for RIM it is simply now or never due to how dramatically and quickly the once immensely popular company has pummeled down.

While RIM still has a very strong hold of the business and the government customer base, the failure to manipulate the general market caused the company to sink to where it is now. Which is not a pretty place. Thus, the company is looking to make a bold move by going with touchscreen portfolio when BlackBerry 10 hits. One of the reasons BlackBerry failed to penetrate the general customer market was due to its continuous outdated software and hardware. This is the vital point that RIM looks to change with BlackBerry 10. The message seems to be clear, tactile keyboard devices will not be the driving force. In order to regain its strength and in hopes to ever compete with the big boys iOS and Android, RIM's focus is now to aggressively shift gears into a modern smartphone design, software, and hardware implementation. To prove this is indeed happening, consider this recently leaked BlackBerry 10 development device below:

Now you have to remember, this is only a purported device that the developers will get their hands on very soon, before the actual BlackBerry 10 premiers in October where we can get a much more ideal, and precise information regarding what's to be in store for us. Although RIM is taking a long time to transition into what we can only hope is its answer for the modern, sophisticated mobile market, let's keep in mind that patience is a virtue, as much as it is truly hurting RIM (yup those quarter & year by year income results don't lie, boys and girls). Personally, I do think and still believe that RIM can recover and re-enter the world stage again, but only if all the right strings are pulled. First of all, RIM has to run-and-gun a true new, refreshing, and a modern handheld lineup, with hardware and OS on par or uniquely better than competition, for instance NFC and cloud, both new, but quickly growing consumer interests. Second of all, RIM absolutely has to keep up with the pace of new innovation and technology, something they have failed to do in the past in turn leading the company into the demise they are in right now. Finally, third of all, while aiming for success in the general market, RIM should never shy away from its one strongest asset: enterprise. This means that completely killing off tactile keyboard devices would be a bad move being that they are heavily favored among government customers and the general business sphere.

The only question that's left is, will the new German-native, Research In Motion CEO Thorsten Heins lead BlackBerry out of the dark tunnel and into the light? We're waiting Thorsten....the clock is ticking, and it's not friendly.